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We are a group of Professional Support Lawyers (PSLs) who specialise in company law and corporate transactions. We provide members with opportunities to network with each other and to discuss topical issues affecting us and our work.  


PSLs help other lawyers in their teams stay abreast of the latest developments in the law, market practice and legal technology; draft and maintain standard documents; offer expert input on technical issues; and provide training and briefings to colleagues and clients. PSLs have usually worked as transactional or advisory lawyers for many years before switching to their current role.


NFK is run by a committee who are responsible for organising meetings and membership. A list of committee members can be found under "Contact us".




We hold two types of meeting, each of which all members are invited to attend:

  • Monday lunch time meetings: these are typically held on the third Monday of each month, with members taking turns to chair. A week or so before the meeting the chair invites members to suggest topics for discussion, following which an agenda is circulated by email.
  • Members' meetings: these take place in the evening around three to four times a year, with members taking turns to host the meeting at their firm. Invitations are sent by email a few weeks in advance, and details are posted on the "Members' meetings" section of this website. Usually there is a presentation by an external speaker followed by an opportunity for discussion and networking over refreshments. Topics and speakers are generally suggested by the committee, although suggestions from other members are warmly welcomed. Details of forthcoming and previous meetings can be found under "Members' meetings".



Our members are corporate PSLs who work for law firms in the UK. Most of the major UK law firms and US law firms that have a presence in London are represented.​


For details of how to join see "Contact us".


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